How Classcraft saved my class
Like most of the teachers, I thought that beginning the school year with clear expectations, simple rules, and an attractive reward system, would be enough to have my classroom running like a clock. And it did... for a while. My students soon learned the routines and procedures, were engaged, enjoyed class, loved reading, and were very respectful to each other, and to their teachers.
Then something happened. We started talking about the state test (STAAR in our case). Students began feeling the pressure of mandatory testing. We (the teachers) bagan to feel the burden of standardized testing. It's very probable that we reflected that stress on our students.
School stopped being fun for our kids and for ourselves. My students lost any interest in school, and nevertheless cared about doing their classroom jobs, completing assignments, or doing homework. I started to rethink my career. Being the first time I teach in a testing grade, it broke my heart to see me students loose the joy for learning.
Behavior issues started to arise, and the very stability of my classroom, started to crumble. I had to do something soon. Like an angel sent from heaven, the technology specialist of my school, told me about Classcraft, and how it looked so much like ClassDojo, but for older kids. Me. I'm pretty curious, specially regarding technology. So I opened my account, researched about the app, watched a few Youtube videos, and I knew I had to try it. I set up my classes (thank God I already had my students in my Gmail directory), I imported my students, and bam!
When I told my students about Classcraft, and how it looked so much like a video game, they were excited. I gave them a preview, discussed the pact, and by now you already know that it didn't take much to convince them to sign the pact.
They enjoy acquiring gear for their characters, training their pets, and getting all the points they can, so they can exchange them for a reward. The part that they enjoy the most, is the Boss Battle. They answer class related questions as a team, or an individual, so they can defeat a creature, and earn gold pieces.
The whole atmosphere of my classroom has changed. My students are enjoying class again, specially because they know some of that will come in the Boss Battle of the week, the collaboration spirit has returned, and behavior issues are down to zero. I wished I had known about it before.
You know how curious I can be, and you can be sure that I will continue to learn more about Classcraft, and anything related to gamification. As teachers we have to adapt to the times, and like it, or not, most of our students are gamers. If that's the way my students learn the best, you bet I'll try it.
Here's a link if you want to try it yourself.